Terapi Shanti
Terapi Shantie



[su_box title=”Contact” style=”soft” box_color=”#2d7333″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″]




Address in Denmark:

Salon Nora
Tranegilde Strandvej 41
2635 Ishøj

Telephone: +45 2873 4515 (Shanti –  speaks Danish, English and Indonesian)

E-mail: info@salonnora.dk

Facebook: Shanti Shreem Brzee

[su_gmap width=”300″ height=”220″ responsive=”no” address=”Tranegilde Strandvej 41 2635 Ishøj”]

Address in Indonesia:

Jl. H. Abdul Salam Teluk Merbau
km 65
Desa Berakit/Tg Berakit
Kabupaten Bintan

Telephone: +62 0812 7672 2272 (Wati – speaks Danish, English and Indonesian)
